Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Going to blog...

I guess starting today I am a....  a.......... a blogger... oh man, that's tougher to type than I thought it would be.  I promise I'm not gay.  I'll just get that out of the way up front.  I only know of women who blog but maybe I'll start a revolution.  It has been a long, hard struggle for men from the beginning to gain blogger rights on the internet.  It all started in the late 1700's with Benjamin Franklin.  He was so eager to "blog"(they called it writing letters, a very old but effective form of communication using paper) that he sent in letters to be published by the New England Courant by the name of Silence Dogood, a widow.  He was one of the first pioneers to fight for equal rights with old-timey blogging.  True story.

I guess what I hope to accomplish here is a waste of time one step higher than facebook.  Do you ever find yourself typing in facebook when you first get on the internet and don't even know why?  Do your hands shake until you are able to update your status?  Do you say 'comment' before continuing an oral conversation with someone?  Does your family find you with wide, blood-shot eyes, curled in the fetal position in the middle of the night stalking peoples' profiles and growling to yourself with double-stuffed oreos crushed in one hand? Yeah, me neither, but I bet it happens. 

So yeah, this is a journal, of sorts.  I don't know exactly what I'll post about but I'm sure it will be...cool?  I will have to move from place to place to keep a safe distance between me and WAMBAM(Women Against Men Blogging And More) so I should have some cool stories.